Many bugs patched in this version – most of the major bugs have now been fixed, leading to a much more enjoyable play experience. The next version will see the addition of new creeps and more nonsense! Enjoy!


ADDED: DigBug insurance. Set this to true to have DigBugs always cover their holes in the event of their death
ADDED: Dirty Chicken Wing drop for Robot Ted and Robot Todd
FIXED: Guinea Pigs, Hotdogs and Ponies will now attack creatures that use new AI tasks
FIXED: Lawyers,Gs,Mandogs,Lollimen,Kids,Blorps,Bums,Prisoners and Sal will now seek revenge
FIXED: Getting rewarded for just doing your job! Removed infinite crafting rewards
FIXED: Rocket Jockey achievement not working or showing up in achievements list
FIXED: Unlimited achievement for crafting anything exploit
FIXED: DigBugs will only dig up valid blocks such as dirt, sand, gravel, grass and leaves
FIXED: Disco Moles no longer wreck the place, but they will still suck your ores!
FIXED: Growbot Gregg will leave vanilla Minecraft creatures alone
FIXED: Floobs no longer fire RayGuns from beyond the grave
FIXED: Floob Ships explode when destroyed or gas runs out. Can be turned off in MoreCreeps.txt
FIXED: Pony attacks now increase Lawyer fines
FIXED: Lawyers From Hell once again randomly turn into Bums or Undead Lawyers when killed
FIXED: Trying to take a BubbleScum with a baby Pony on your head will cause the BubbleScum to sit on the ground
FIXED: Googoats, Gs, Lawyers, and Lolliman will not retaliate against Guinea Pigs, HotDogs, or Ponies
FIXED: Revenge restored for Lawyers,
TWEAK: Lawyer fines get reduced slowly over time
TWEAK: Rayguns,Guns and Army Guy Gems last longer
TWEAK: Robot Ted will drop more 16K Ram when decombobulated
TWEAK: G’s will now also drop Gum and Guns

3 Replies to “MoreCreeps 2.60 released! Even better than before!”

      1. alvin says:

        i dont know what. i install and put everything in the right place and my minecraft crashes. does the custom mobspawner go in the mods yea it mit just be the computer but i well keep trying this mode is the best! hope i get it


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